Transforming Aviation
for a better tomorrow

Learn about us
At Framför Labs, we are reimagining the future of aviation through innovation, sustainability, and a deep commitment to enhancing the travel experience. We develop cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of modern travelers, airports, and the aviation industry as a whole.
Our projects span a variety of aviation services, including QuietNest, our modular pods that transform layovers by offering both comfort and productivity in airports worldwide. We also lead the market with FlightBids, an auction platform for empty leg flights, providing travelers with luxury travel at reduced prices while optimizing aircraft efficiency.

Beyond comfort and convenience, we are deeply invested in sustainable aviation. Our Airport Operational Database (AODB) streamlines airport operations, reduces carbon emissions, and enhances resource utilization. We also offer tailored aircraft financing and charter services to meet the unique demands of our clients.
Sustainable Innovation
Client Empowerment
Operational Excellence
Collaborative Partnership

At Framför Labs, our mission is to drive aviation towards a future of economic, ecological, and social sustainability. We are committed to creating innovative solutions that not only enhance operational efficiency and luxury travel experiences but also reduce environmental impact and promote social responsibility. By integrating cutting-edge technology with sustainable practices, we aim to shape an aviation industry that thrives economically while safeguarding the planet and supporting communities.
The art of Comfort is our guiding motto, reflecting our dedication to reimagining the airport and travel experience. One of our core pillars, Aviation Accueil, is centered around elevating comfort for travelers at every stage of their journey. We believe that airports can be more than just transit points— they can be spaces of relaxation, productivity, and luxury.

Through innovations like our QuietNest pods and bespoke lounge services, we craft environments where passengers feel at ease, turning travel delays and layovers into opportunities for relaxing and working at ease. Our focus on comfort extends beyond amenities, reshaping the very essence of modern aviation to make every journey smoother and more enjoyable.
Flights Optimisation
Framför Labs drives Flight Optimisation through innovative solutions like the Airport Operational Database (AODB), which streamlines airport operations and reduces emissions, and FlightBids, an auction platform that lets travellers bid on empty legs, optimising aircraft usage and promoting sustainable travel.
News & Insight
Curated articles that provide professional and balanced perspectives on the latest trends, data-driven analyses, and practical advice for navigating the green logistics landscape.
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Our Team
Our collective expertise and passion for innovation drive our mission to deliver impactful and environmentally-conscious solutions.
Thomas Martire
Founder & CEO
Tomás A. Bedrikow
Head of Partnerships & Ventures
Vitoria Hong
Head of Aviation & Operations
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